| That warm evening breeze. Those crispy white shoes. The scent of smoked meats wafting about with great abandon. Friends... it’s May. And by default, it’s also grilling season. So in preparat | If you have trouble reading this email, go to the online version | | | | | | | May 04, 2015 | | Taming of the ’Cue Some Nice Things to Help You Grill Out | | | | | | | That warm evening breeze. Those crispy white shoes. The scent of smoked meats wafting about with great abandon. Friends... it’s May. And by default, it’s also grilling season. So in preparation for all that imminent searing and smoking, we went ahead and made you a Barbecue Season Toolkit. It’s a slideshow that you’ll find right here. Meat-turning. Meat-saucing. Meat-blowtorching. You’ll find things for doing all of those things. It’s weird that you’re not in there yet. So weird. | | | | | | | | | |
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