| “I was also serenaded by a hooting owl. ... “I rejoice that there are owls. Let them do the idiotic and maniacal hooting for men.” Thoreau. Now there was a guy who loved owls. Kept a mean journal, too. As will you, thanks to My Evening Post, a new website that sends you nightly email reminders. Then you pour your heart out to those emails until one day you suddenly have a virtual journal. It’s online now. Maybe you’re working on your memoir. Maybe you have no short-term memory. Maybe you never want to forget that time you met Jeff Goldblum at a Fugees concert and then you guys all went for crab cakes. Let’s assume one or all of those are true and talk details: First, sign up. Classic first-step situation. Then, tell them what time you want to be emailed every day. Once whatever-o’clock rolls along, you’ll get a reminder that says “How was your day?” Write a few lines. Add some photos. No one sees your posts but you, and you can scroll through them all later. Sort of like someone poking you and handing you a pad of paper every day. Less obnoxious when it’s virtual. Who knew. | | | | |
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