| The wheel. Gutenberg's printing press. The steam turbine. Pancake lasagna... We don't know for sure which will be considered human history's most significant invention, but our money's on t | If you have trouble reading this email, go to the online version | | | | | | | | | September 22, 2016 | | Pancake Lasagna to Cure Your Hangover Chef Eric Greenspan's Inspired Solution for the Morning After | |  | | | | | The wheel. Gutenberg's printing press. The steam turbine. Pancake lasagna... We don't know for sure which will be considered human history's most significant invention, but our money's on that last one. It comes from LA chef Eric Greenspan, who concocted said pancake lasagna for the most noble of all causes: to cure our hangovers. He's the kind of guy you trust with such matters, and he even let us into his kitchen at the Roof on Wilshire to demonstrate how the dish comes together. Otherwise, we're not sure we'd have believed it either. | | | | | | | | | | |
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