Quick, take off your shirt.
Or if you’re already in a state of unshirtedness... just make sure there are no shirts lingering nearby.
They don’t want to see this.
Bear witness to
Breyburn, a Nashville-based shirting operation that’s making the be-all and end-all of Italian-milled button-down perfection, online now.
It’s a shining example of the “Do One Thing and Do It Well” philosophy. Their one thing: shirts. How they’re doing them: by going straight to the Italian mills for the toppest-notch of fabrics. And then sending those fabrics straight to some expert Portuguese shirt artisans named Helga and Filipe. No middlemen. Just Helga. And Filipe. The one-two punch.
Anyway, head to their website. You’ll see nine shirting options—including two lightweight flannel numbers perfect for solving the meteorological complexities of early fall (or attending an SEC tailgate).
Everything on the site is made in small, limited quantities. Which means, unfortunately, things go fast. But fortunately, everything is going to be handsome and fit like a glove.
Or a really well-fitting shirt.
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