| | | | | Heineken.* You know the stuff. Cold. Refreshing. Kind of magnificent in every way. Well, they’ve got a new bottle now. A taller, sleeker, starrier version of the classic green vessel you know and love. Don’t worry, the beer’s still the same. Repeat: the Heineken is still the Heineken. | | | Yeah... being on a boat sounds nice right now. The smell of the sea. The sound of the waves. The Buffett. But owning a boat. And caring for that boat. That sounds... exhausting. And as of today, no longer necessary. Because now there’s Boatbound, an Airbnb-like website full of boat owners who’ll rent you their sailboats, motor yachts and catamarans (especially catamarans), online now. Turns out, the average American boat only gets taken out 14 days per year. That’s a lot of unloved boats. Boats that need attention. Also, somebody aboard them suntanning, deep-sea fishing and enjoying a cold beer. That sounds like a job for you. So the next time you know you’re going to be in a place that borders on a body of water, you’ll go to this site and grab yourself a vessel. Maybe a fishing boat. Maybe a speedboat. Definitely a 50-foot motor yacht with its own captain and stewardess. Or perhaps you already own a boat. In which case you can use this site to safely (everything’s insured up to $1 million) rent it out. Assuming it’s not one of the 14 days this year you’re using it. | | |  |
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