|  | 03/07/13 | | You’ve got to fight for your right to weekend. | | | | | | | SEARCH PARTY | An Entire Desert Town | | They say real estate is about three things: location, location, location. But we think you’ll make an exception for the 41-acre, population-539 town of Searchlight, Nevada. It’s currently for sale—casino, motel, dilapidated brothel and all. You’ve been meaning to get into the dilapidated brothel game. | | | | | | | | | LYNCH MOB | David Lynch Made Some Art for You | | David Lynch. Acclaimed director. Meditation evangelist. And apparently, a pretty savvy lithographer. For the past six years, he’s made some weirdly entrancing prints. And now they’re all for sale. Bug families. Moon clowns. They’ll make great additions to your walls. Or a really terrible Mother’s Day present. | | | | | | | | | LOCK STOCK | Breaking and Entering. Handsomely. | | We have no reason to believe you need a fully functional lock-picking set made of old band saw blades. Nor do we have any reason to believe you don’t. But just in case, here’s a New Hampshire–based artisan who’ll make you some. If you want, he’ll embroider your initials on the leather case. Nothing could go wrong with that. | | | | | | | | | O, CAPTAIN | There’s Nothing but Yachts Here | | Schooners. Yachts. Catamarans. Dinghies. You love them. But someone loves them more. And that someone created the world’s first online TV channel dedicated solely to vessel tours, interviews with sea captains and silent footage of ships rocking at sea. Can’t believe the Internet didn’t think of this sooner. | | | | | | | | | WHAT’S THE MATERA | Belts Worthy of an Argentine Cowboy | | Forgive our bluntness, but... you are not a gaucho. You don’t herd cattle in southern Argentina. Which means you don’t own a finely woven, cognac leather belt—or you didn’t until we told you about these. Go ahead, make your Patagonian-cowboy dreams a reality. Or just hold your pants up very dapperly. | | | | | | |  |  | |  | | |  |  |  | |  | | | |  First, there was “email.” Then... well, then it grew up and became Outlook.com: a personal webmail service that does anything from automatically syncing your connected Facebook contacts to filing hundreds of emails in seconds. Oh, and keep an eye on UD Perks. You’ll get bonus Perks just for purchasing them while signed in with your new Outlook.com account. | | | |
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