| Look, this is all pretty simple. You like steak. Steak likes you. So let’s get you two crazy kids together and make some magic, shall we... Strike a match for the Belcampo Meat Co., a San Francisco–based restaurant/farm/butchery that would like nothing more than to send an entire bovine’s worth of absurdly exquisite grilling material to your door, online now. Tell your grill to do some lunges. Hire Hattori Hanzo to come sharpen your steak knives. Do whatever it takes to ensure that these precious cuts of meat are welcomed with open arms. You see, the guys behind this are pretty dead serious about the whole “farming” thing. Probably give their cows gym memberships and bathe them in mineral water and marinate their grass fields in sundried tomato vinaigrette. What this means for you: extra-thick rib eyes that may make you start talking to people who aren’t there, a steak grind worthy of its own burger documentary and entire racks of Wagyu beef. (If you’re keeping score, that’s 28 pounds of T-bones, rib eyes, porterhouses, tenderloins and any other cut you request.) Ah. Right. They’ve also got bacon and duck confit. In case you need a break. | | | | |  | INVITE | your friends to join UD | | | | |  | GET | the UD mobile app | | | | | |  |
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