|  | 02/28/13 | | Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here. This is the weekend. | | | | | | | WARHOL OF FAME | Finally, Some New Old Warhols for Sale | | Andy Warhol. Guy really changed the way you look at a can of soup. Anyway, this weekend, you can bid on over 100 of his works in the first online auction of his art—from sketches to self-portraits to a painting he made with raspberry jam. Underrated medium, jam. | | | | | | | | | IN STITCHES | Just Some Handsome Golf Head Covers | | Your golf pants: nothing but the finest plaid. Your swing: ... getting there. Your clubs: not swaddled in handsome leather head covers. At least, not yet. On a related note, these guys Stitch make handsome leather head covers, and they just launched their online shop. You owe this to your 5-wood. | | | | | | | | | STAG PARTY | 35% Off at Texas’s Finest Haberdashery | | You’re familiar with an obscure law of physics called “the winter sale.” It states that as temperatures rise, the cost of impossibly handsome fall and winter clothes drops considerably. Just look: it’s happening at Austin’s Stag, where Jack Spade shirts, Penfield jackets and Life/After/Denim sweaters are now 35% off. It’s just science. | | | | | | | | | ILL COMMUNICATION | Meet Your New Sunglass Guys | | It’s crazy. All your life, you’ve gazed upon the world without the help of exceedingly stylish buffalo-horn-rimmed sunglasses. But now that the optical geniuses at Illesteva—who’ve made shades for Daniel Craig—just went e-commercial, you can do exactly that. You can never have too much buffalo horn. | | | | | | | | | MADE SERVICE | Sharp Knives. In Both Senses. | | So... let’s be honest. You don’t own an impossibly razor-sharp paring knife handcrafted in the Japanese knife-making city of Seki. Meaning, your sunchokes: not quite as perfectly sliced as they should be. So go and pick one of those up from Best Made. Then maybe figure out what a sunchoke is. | | | | | | |  |  | |  | | |