|  | 01/31/13 | | This weekend could... go... all... the... way. | | | | | | | VINE-YARD | Say Goodbye to the Rest of Your Day | | There’s a new thing called Vine. It lets you post super-short videos on Twitter. But you knew that. Well, now there’s this: VineRoulette—it’s like Chatroulette, but instead of seeing lots of random strangers, you’ll see... a mosaic of looping videos of random strangers. Nope, nothing Orwellian about that. | | | | | | | | | SALE-ING | Just a Ton of Handsome Sales | | Prepare your index finger for a serious workout: three paragons of stylish masculinity—South Carolina’s Indigo & Cotton, Atlanta’s Sid Mashburn and the Internet’s Wittmore—have all put some generous discounts on their online wares. Yep. Have fun saving up to 50% on ridiculously handsome things. | | | | | | | | | PHOTO FINISH | Your Phone, Now a Darkroom | | So there’s this stuff called “film.” It’s great. Lets you take pictures. Except you have to get it developed. And that’s... exhausting. But now this 35mm film scanner exists, so you can instantly digitize all of your artfully constructed shots with your phone and some steady hands. Take that, Instagram. | | | | | | | | | APPLE PICKING | Take This Next Time You’re Traveling | | It happens all the time. You’re in a foreign country. Your iPhone: dying. Your MacBook: already dead. And you cry out, arms open wide, for a universally adaptable charger that can accommodate two iDevices at once. Behold: that’s exactly what this thing is. You should try that arms-wide-open-crying thing more often. | | | | | | | | | BRAUN-Y MAN | A Trove of German Design-y Magnificence | | You know Braun. They make razors and whatnot. But way back when, they made a lot more whatnot—radios, flash cameras, irons, blenders—and it was all designed by that German Michelangelo of industrial design, Dieter Rams. And now a ton of that stuff is for sale. Or just for looking. | | | | | | |  |  | |  | | |
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