|  | 10/11/12 | | You know a rumble ain’t a rumble without the weekend. | | | | | | | NO MORE YEARS | Political Facebook Posts Die Here | | It’s here. It’s finally here... the moment you’ve been waiting for since Mitt Romney, Barack Obama and Facebook were invented. We’re talking, of course, about a new Google Chrome extension that automatically hides any and all political posts from your Facebook news feed. You’re so very welcome. | | | | | | | | | BOOK ’EM | Really Nice Notebooks. Because Why Not. | | There’s no real reason for you to own an unnecessarily handsome notebook made from water-resistant pressed cotton. Or a green wallet stitched together in Japan with tanned leather. But if you think of one, let the guys over at Postalco know. They make those things. And coincidentally, sell them. | | | | | | | | | FAMILY TIES | How to Eat Off-Menu. Always. | | Restaurants close at night. They just do. And then chefs cook things—for their staff. For each other. And now... for you. You see, there’s this new cookbook filled with insider recipes of family meals from restaurants like the Fat Duck in London and Napa’s Ad Hoc. It’s that or fill out an application. | | | | | | | | | YOU VS. THE VOLCANO | A Legendary Hawaiian Hotel Is Reborn | | Hawaii’s Volcano House Hotel. Interesting place. Let’s see, it’s been around since the 1840s. Mark Twain used to stay there. And oh yeah, it closed in 2009. No worries, though, someone just threw $4 million at it, so you can book now for the grand reopening in January. Close one. | | | | | | |  |  | |  | | |
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