|  | 07/24/12 Stay Gold These Apps Will Get You to the Olympics This Friday, some very qualified athletes are going to start playing games in London. The Olympic kind. And you... well, you missed it by that much. No worries, though, there’s always 2016. In the meantime, these apps will help you train. Or at least teach you how to play handball. | | |  | | SWIMMING | How to Find Every Lap Pool Ever | | With Phelps out of the running in 2016, we’re liking your odds. Just kidding, we’re still hating your odds. But at the very least, you’ll always have this little app to help you find over 17,000 laps pools and open-water training grounds worldwide. Might want to hit them all. | | | | | |  | | BADMINTON | Badmintoning the Hell Out of Badminton | | There’s this guy named Peter Gade. Apparently, he’s like the LeBron of badminton (but with slightly less lucrative endorsement deals). Anyway, he has an app. And he wants to teach you everything he knows with a bunch of videos. Let him. Just let him. | | | | | |  | | HANDBALL | This Will Make You Better at Handball | | You remember it like it was yesterday. There you were, playing handball when... wait, that’s not right. Nobody plays handball. Although if you ever feel like taking it up, you’ll be needing this app that lets you create and animate plays like the pros. Besides, those other Olympic sports are pretty hard. | | | | | |  | | ROWING | How to Row Like a Winklevoss | | If you at least want a shot at taking home some hardware in rowing four years from now, this thing should help—it’s an app that spits out real-time data on your stroke rate, distance and pace as you paddle. So, like a coach. Who explodes if you get him wet. | | | | | |  | | ARCHERY | Going Full Prince of Thieves in 2016 | | Archery is all about timing. And focus. And green tights. Regarding those first two, there’s a new app that simulates the digital clocks used in actual competition (professional archers used it to train at the 2012 World Championships in Vegas), stressful beeping and all. You love a good stressful beeping. | | | | | | |  |  | |  | | |
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